Other Services
District Nurses
These nurses are employed by the health authority but work closely with the Practice. They provide nursing services to patients in their own home. Your local community nurses can be contacted either through reception or on telephone number 029 2044 4501 (24 hrs)
Antenatal Clinic
Sophie is the practice community midwife. She works alongside the doctors providing healthcare to pregnant women. Her antenatal clinics run on Thursdays. Please book you pregnancy with Cardiff and Vale UHB Maternity either by Cardiff and Vale University Health Board Website or via the QR Code
Baby Clinics
The practice health visitor, Lizzie Thompson, holds baby clinics on a Wednesday morning. Please speak to a receptionist-appointments can be booked from the Monday of that week.
Mental Health
The practice now has a Mental Health Liaision officer. Due to Covid-19 the officer is no longer based at the Premises but please speak to a member of staff if you have concerns. In the meantime please look at the leaflets below which contain useful advice and contact numbers if you are struggling during this time.

Private Practitioners
Our purpose-built premises are also used by external agencies to provide private health services:
Age Connect Nail Cutting Service
Nearly 1 in 3 older people are unable to cut their toenails. Age Connect run a regular nail cutting service from our surgery. Please follow the above link for more information.
ActionPhysio Physiotherapy
Private physiotherapist, Claire Beeson, runs ActionPhysio. She practices from Radyr Medical Centre weekly. Please see her website for more information.
Macmillan Cancer Co-ordinator
Affected by Cancer?
The Macmillan Cancer Wellbeing Coordinator service offers non-clinical telephone support to anyone affected by cancer and who are living with and beyond cancer. This includes patients, their families and their carers and is available to anyone registered at this Practice.
This telephone service offers you someone to talk to about your thoughts and feelings, and is also able to signpost you to additional resources, such as a variety of websites and helplines, or questions about finances and benefits, plus on-line groups for topics such as light exercise, quizzes, knit and natter or just a social chat.
You do not need to see you GP prior to making an appointment. To find out more or to make an appointment, contact Jane Breeze on 07929 027 324 or email jane.breeze@wales.nhs.uk. Jane usually works on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.