Self-Help & Self-Care First
If you have a medical problem which is new, then the first thing to do is consider self-care and self-help.
There is plenty of advice available on our Website and you can download our App which contains a huge amount of NHS resources.
You should also think about seeing your local community pharmacist under the common ailment scheme who can treat a number of conditions and provide a Free NHS Prescription

Choose Well
There are many places to seek medical advice if you are unwell. It is sometimes difficult to decide which service you need.
Helping you to decide which service you need
Choose Well will help you decide if you need medical attention if you get sick. It explains what each NHS service does, and when it should be used.
Choosing Well means that you and your family will get the best treatment. It also allows busy NHS services to help the people who need them most.

NHS 111 Wales
NHS 111 Wales
Urgent medical and health advice is now available across Wales 24 hours a day, seven days a week following the successful rollout of the 111 helpline
The service, which is run by the Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust, and can be accessed online at or by telephone by calling 111, will give people up-to-date health advice and guidance on which NHS service is right for them.
The NHS 111 Wales website includes more than 65 symptom checkers and information about local services, and should be everyone’s first port of call before making a phone call.
But if your health concern is urgent, call handlers on the 111 helpline can also help you get the right treatment at the right time and in the right place.
Appointment Options
Appointments can be made by telephoning the surgery from 8:00am until 18:30pm during the week.
We aim to offer a range of appointments to suit individual needs and schedules. These include face to face consultations, consultations over the phone or via eConsult to communicate directly with the Practice Medical team. We strive to ensure you communicate with the most appropriate member of our Practice Medical Team, which includes doctors, nurses, practice pharmacist, physiotherapists and mental health support workers.
To book an appointment please ring 02920 842767. here you can:
- Make appointment with relevant clinician
- Check existing appointment times
- Cancel appointments
- Book appointments on recieiving correspondance from us, for example, medication reviews, joint injection, results etc
Appointments can be made by telephoning surgery from 8:00am to 18:30pm during the week. For the first two hours of every morning we dedicate our phone line to appointmetns only. When your call is answered by our trained receptionists they will ask a few questions to ensure you are directed to the most appropriate service which soemtimes may be a local pharmacy, optician, dentist or other services such.
Emergency Appointments
These are same day appointments with the duty GP for matters which cannot wait until the next available routine appointment.
If you require an emergency appointment please try to telephone the surgery before 10:30am to ensure you're seen that morning. Please do not come to the surgery - walk-ins are not permitted.
If you need an urgent appointment, please make this clear to the Receptionist when you telephone
Pre-bookable appointments
A number of our appointments are available to pre-book by calling our reception team after 10:30am. Routine appointments are available to book up to three weeks in advance, the are 10 minutes long.
Telephone Consultations
Occasionally you may have a query that does not require a face to face consultation. Simple queries can be undertaken via the telephone, reception is able to give advice regarding the suitability for a telephone consultation.
It is expected that you, the patient, will be available to talk when the clinician calls. If the call is not answered on two occasions, this will be classed as a missed appointment and another appointment will be necessary.
Please bear in mind that patient confidentilaity still applies for telephone consultations. The telephone consultation would be for the patient or their legal guardian only. The clinician cannot legally talk to a patient's relative about their health without written consent of the patient.
Any photographs, usually to aid in the diagnosis of any skin conditions. To submit a photograph please email
Photographs showing intimate areas must not be uploaded.

Appointment Guidance
Please make sure you book in on arrival at the main reception desk, so that the clinician is aware you have arrived and are waiting.
Please note that, if youare late arriving (up to 10 min), patients who are on time will go in to see the clinician before you.
If you are later than 10 minuste late for your appointment, the clinician may not be able to see you that day
Patients failing t keep their appointents and not informing the surgery can cause problems and waste valuable appointment time (DNAs).
Appointment times are scheduled for 10 minutes. Please help us to help you. We are striving to run our appointments to time. Please help us by keepig your appointment to within 10 minutes. Should this cause you concern please speak to reception.
If you have several issues which need to be discussed in an appointment, we recommend that you request a double appointment (20 minutes) with our clinicians.
Not Registered for Online Services? Use eConsult
Home Visits
House calls are recognised as an important aspect of modern general practice in the UK. Requests for house calls will be assessed by the clinical team and should a visit be considered appropriate then a member of the team will visit.
Please phone, using the main surgery number before 10:30am on the day you require the house call.
You can also be visited at home by a community nurse if you are referred by your GP. You should also be visited at home by a health visitor if you have recently had a baby or if you are newly registered with a GP and have a child under five years.
Training Practice
Please note that Radyr Medical Centre is a training practice for both GP Trainees (GP Registrars) and Medical Students.
On occasions you may be asked whether you mind a medical student observing your consultation. If you would rather this didn’t happen, please do not hesitate so say.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Persistent defaulters maybe removed from the list.
You can also complete our appointment cancellation notification request form. This can only be used if your appointment has been arranged for more than 24 hours in advance. (excluding weekends and public holidays). You can also text to cancel your appointment.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.